Monday, June 25, 2012

Raison d'être

For some reason, I've fought off getting a blog for a long time. I love reading blogs, I get great ideas and inspiration from blogs, but to have a blog feels a little like adopting a puppy. Sure, I want one. But do I have the time to take care of it? Can I handle the added responsibility? What if it messes on the floor while I'm away? What would I name it? Okay, by this time I've figured out a name. The only one that seems truly fitting: Imagined by Victoria.

Imagined by Victoria is what I call my collective body of work, and how I market my freelance design services. I can't just call myself a graphic designer, or even an artist. I'm a creator. I'm a crafter, a hobby addict, an inventor, and more. I like to do it all. When I hear of a new way to do things, I try it out. I research it, and then I spend a bunch of money trying to adopt it as a hobby of mine. I firmly believe that there is nothing that I can't do, and I believe that's true for everyone (all it takes is determination). I come from a long line of do-ers, over-achievers, precise, and stubborn don't-take-no-for-an-answer-ers. My brain is split between needing everything to be perfect, and conversely just wanting to go with the flow, and I'm constantly trying to find a harmony between the two. I believe that while annoying, this drives me to be a better person, designer. and creator. I'm always trying to learn more and do more and I'm determined to keep moving forward.

So a blog seemed like a logical next step. You can make that connection, right? Basically it boils down to the fact that I've been doing a lot of crafting, a lot of freelancing, a lot of Oxford Comma using, and I think it's time to share them all with the world.

So, real posts to come shortly.

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